Heart Forgiveness

Heart Forgiveness/ Core Health™: 

Every Yom Kippur* I write a similar blurb.  I literally understand Forgiveness BECAUSE of this class.  I was introduced to it in 2011, and I credit my marriage with learning this.  Here is my edited version of my writing this year:  

Forgiveness.  What is it?  Why do we do it?  Forgiveness is more about you, the person forgiving, than the person forgiven.  It's about you letting go of that which isn't serving you.  When you are angry, YOUR energy changes, not the person you are angry with.  When that person walks into a room, YOU are the one affected, not them.  In essence you have given your power to that person.  In forgiving them, you regain your own power AND you set them free.  This is both an emotional and physical release.  Both feed into each other.  

Anger is the emotion people hold onto the longest.  It feels 'good'.  You were 'right'.  The other person was 'wrong'.  But we truly do a disservice to ourselves when we nurse anger towards others.  This does not, by any means, make what other people did okay.  But it does recognize the light of each person and how we are all connected through the universe and things that are greater than us individually. 

You also need to forgive yourself.  For your own mistakes.  You can literally disempower yourself with self loathing.  With the “could haves”, “would haves”, “should haves”.  You are whole in every moment.

Finally, people nurse anger towards God (or if you aren't religious, the universe, etc).  This generally presents as the need to control every situation.  Belief that you are lovable only if you meet a certain set of criteria.    It's a certain hardness.  This is actually another part of SELF forgiveness.  We need to forgive ourselves for the belief that everything isn't magical and according to a higher order.  It helps us realign with God (or the Universe) and with the strongest versions of ourselves.

I've often said people's relationship with God is reflected in how they treat people around them.  Let's love and forgive each other.

This Specific Workshop: 

This is a 4 part guided series, where we talk through each concept, and using applied kinesiology observe how the body changes after each meditation.

We will start with Anger at Others and then move into Anger at Self.  At that point, we will take a break and have snacks together, and then move onto the last part of the day, Anger at God.  It is not important that you believe in God.  There is also zero experience with meditation needed.  The guided meditations are between 10-18 minutes long and there is a bonus we will do at the end (should we have time).

Each participant will go home with a workbook. I will email the meditations to every participant and check in over the next three weeks.  With the workbook, you can spend one week for each of the three types of meditation we practiced together. This will enable you to really clear out each type of anger.  After three weeks we can do a hybrid of meeting in person and online to finish the last part of the series, or I can email that to you.  The first three parts must be done live.  

This series called Core Health was developed by Ed Carlson.  More information on his work can be found at https://corehealth.us/


*This class is in no way associated with ANY religion and was developed by a man who is not religious

Alaethia Doctor